10 Financial Updates

Things have been a bit topsy turvy and I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time on the phone to a particular phone company.

However, rather than dropping bits and bobs in various blog posts, I thought it would be easier to drop everything in this one post and then write and link to some explanatory posts later on.
School is starting up again soon so I may also have less time to dedicate to this beloved blog of mine, so this helps me organise my future thoughts and actions.

10 Ways to Get the Most out of College ...

So, in short, as we look around, emerging from the rubble:

  1. I’m now part-time.
    This one comes first because it has the biggest hit as it drastically reduces my income (we’re not even sure I’ll meet the limit to qualify to be taxed this year). Basically, my income is looooooow.
  2. Since I’m home more, it didn’t make (financial) sense for the Hatchling to be in their childcare option for so much time but that also got complicated, so we’re now using a different childcare option.
    It…is more expensive than before 👀
  3. I currently have the most amount of money in my account that I’ve ever had (barring the 3 hours my mortgage payment went in there. Might be the first and last time my numbers are ever in the 6-figure category).
  4. I’ve set myself a little not so secret goal of seeing if I can not only beat the amount in my bank account but double it simply by saving. This may not be wholly realistic (see 1, 2 and 6) but it’s something I want to look into anyway so I know what’s possible. I mean, my whole budget needs a revamp at the moment. (Note to self – add book category).
  5. My sister is absolutely bossing life in general and found a new job with some considerable perks and I’m chalking it up to the propaganda campaign I ran last year where I spammed her with my favourite personal finance blogs and posts.
    Which means I can take 100% of the credit (but not, unfortunately, the paycheck 😂 ).
  6. SO MANY BIRTHDAYS IN THE SUMMER AND NO-ONE SEEMS TO BE HOLDING ANY SALES! WTH! So of course, I’m thinking about how I can save myself for Christmas. But I’m waiting till September till I crank out the Mariah.
  7. Despite the government’s absolute shamble show when it came to the exam results, I am so fortunate to know a few young women moving onto the next stage of their education or career and am looking at what I have available to help. Because that’s how your community grows, right?
  8. We talked about extending the house (sigh) then looked up some initial costings and… are no longer talking about extending the house. 🤣 But I want us to love the house and the space we’re currently in, so am looking at little DIY bits that might be done around the house to make it feel less….grim.
  9. Speaking of which, the house is the cleanest it’s ever been and I’ve been thinking about how we made it happen without me going absolutely bonkers.
  10. Winter is coming. The Hatchling needs some clothes and is outgrowing the clothes and shoes I previously bought for them seemingly at a rate of knots. More shopping ahoy.

I…think that’s it? If I remember anything else, let me not lie, I’ll probably put it on Twitter first.

finished gifs Page 6 | WiffleGif

Has anything changed for you financially over the past few months?
How’s the situation where you are – lots of remote action or nah?
How are you coping with it all? (I’ve chosen cake as my therapy of choice, obviously)

Image credit: by Yuiizaa September via unsplash.com

2 thoughts on “10 Financial Updates

  1. Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life August 28, 2020 / 9:27 pm

    I assume you didn’t choose to go part time? What’s the childcare option looking like?

    I don’t understand how stores aren’t holding sales, aren’t they hurting for business? Or do you have the same problem we have with large businesses going gangbusters and small businesses going under?

    We’re holding steady best we can. Everything is remote still and we intend to stay that way as much as possible. I don’t know what the start of the new year will bring but we are pretty sure that we can at least be assured of staying entirely remote for our work through the end of the year at least. I don’t know what the heck is going on with school and when, though. I’m crossing my fingers that we don’t have an ignorant and horrible rush back to the classrooms before we are willing to let JB go back though.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Draig Blackpenny September 9, 2020 / 12:05 pm

      I’m terrible at juggling and with everything going on, it made more sense than leaving – we have scheduled resignation dates for teachers and the next is end of October, which means, apart from maternity cover, teaching jobs will be thin on the ground for a while.

      None of the daycare/nursery centres that are open are really allowing visitors due to health and safety considerations and with the short notice, we went the childminder/nanny route!

      Small businesses really are struggling! I think many of the store now open are hoping that selling at full price now people are allowed to shop may help them claw back profits. Long Tall Sally went into administration but were adamant that they weren’t going to have a sale of current stock while looking for a buyer. So…I don’t know! I don’t have much business knowledge so it doesn’t make sense to me.

      We’re not remote over here at all primary school wise….plus the Eat Out to help out scheme that was implemented…and numbers are already starting to climb *facepalm* Hoping for as much safe distance for you as possible!


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